GATEWAY BUS - Kampala, Uganda
Affordable and reliable bus transportation services.
2 Reviews
GATEWAY BUS Plot 19, Travin House/P.O.Box 10615 William St(256) 23 40 90, +256 787 038663, +256 41 4250930
GATEWAY BUS Plot 19, Travin House/P.O.Box 10615 William St(256) 23 40 90, +256 787 038663, +256 41 4250930
Most Pathetic bus service
The most useless bus ever! Worst customer service, Their buses even have bed bugs. To be safe you rather find other means than use this pathetic bus called gateway. They never have a depature time, departure is ONLY when the bus is filled with passengers....ghey will spend 10 hours on a 6 hour journey!
GATEWAY BUS Plot 19, Travin House/P.O.Box 10615 William St(256) 23 40 90, +256 787 038663, +256 41 4250930
Worst bus experience, use yy instead
We arrived at the terminal in mbale via taxi and they instantly starting unloading our bags and forcing us on to their bus to kampala which they said would leave imminently at 8.30am. we were virtually left no choice but to get on their bus with so many people around us. We paid ******** and sat waiting on the bus but no one else came on still by 9.30 am. We decided to switch to get a different bus but they wouldn't refund us and we're very hostile. They were some of the most dishonest people I've ever had to do business with. We ended up on yy coaches which was a much better experience, explaining why there were so many more people using their bus. Motto of the story is use yy. Kampala uk resident.
Questions & Answers
How much is Kampala to kaabong
I want to go to Gulu when I don't wat to go to Kampala am here in bomb tomorrow wat should I do
How much is from Mbale to lira
How much is the transport fare of kotido to soroti
How much is traveling right now from soroti to Jinja..And what time does your buses leave soroti to Kampala?
Do you go to Mwanza? If yes,what is the cost?
Do you go to kabale ?
Do we have any buses to Tororo?
What's is the price from kabale to Kampala today
Hi how are plz can I get now kampala to kaboong district koromoja region
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