Review of Murchison Bay Primary School


My name is Joseph Nsubuga and I attended Murchison Bay primary school from 1986 to 1989 for my primary leaving Examinations (PLE). I passed in Division one to my surprise!

This school is situated inside Luzira Prisons, on the lower end of the facility, lying between the Murchison Bay Hospital and the lower prisons staff quarters. Ideally, the school was meant for school going children of the prisons officers and others workers, but somehow allowed (and still admits) children from the larger community of Luzira, Bbiina, Kirombe, Butabika and as far as Kitintale and Mutungo. I personally resided in BBiina.

In my years, the academic performance was good with some exceptionally bright pupils.The pupils from M/Bay spoke perfect English where counterparts from neighboring schools normally struggled to express themselves in proper English. The school was also very good at sports, excelling in netball, football and junior athletics - probably due to the good sporting culture of the Prisons Service.

I agree with you entirely .I too went through M/bay as we used to call it.

I did my PLE in 1984 and got DIV one-Agg 6.We used to leave opposite the training school
Thanks Joseph & micheal for sharing about your experience at Murchison bay P/S.

I joined in 1999 and sat PLE in 2005!

Am so proud of passing through M/Bay!

Hoping we would reunite all as one sooner than soon as OBs & Ogs

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