Job vacancy Regional Operations Leader - West Nile

17 September, 2024
Job Type
Job Status
Full Time
Job Title

Regional Operations Leader - West Nile

Job Presentation

A. ManagerialResponsibilities

  • Provide leadership and motivate direct reportsand be a role model.
  • Manage,provide guidance and training to the MOs and MRs responsibly. 
  • Compileregular summaries of sales and other activities in the regionresponsible, as well as providing insight and prospects of the regionresponsible, and report promptly to the Operations Manager. 
  • Provideaccountability and prompt the teams to do the same, to the OperationsManager. 
  • Manageand strategize ways to increase profitability, and propose any realisticmeasures through-through to management

Functional Responsibilities:

Sales in the Region

  • Togetherwith the Operations Manager, develop and implement sales strategies inline with the WASSHA strategic objectives and ensure these are achieved.
  • Monitordaily sales and take all necessary remedial action to ensure monthlysales targets on all KPIs within the region are met and exceeded.
  • Understandwhat is happening at the field level, including regional, district,village, and agent’s specific circumstances. 
  • Implementationof the company Values and policies at the regional level.
  • Trackand review Agent Sales Weekly and design corrective actions wherenecessary.
  • Carryout Monthly and weekly meeting reviews to make relevant and specificrecommendations for action to management.
  • Identifynew sales opportunities and focus the sales effort to capitalize on suchopportunities.



Managing theOperations of the MOs/MRs

  • Leada team of Marketing officers and Marketing Representatives and maximizetheir performance, through strong leadership, coaching, and mentoringskills, a positive attitude, high energy levels, and tenacious yetdiplomatic approach.
  • Identify,recruit and train new Marketing Representatives to ensure they have allthe basics and knowledge to be able to work in the field with minimalsupervision. 
  • Planand share Marketing Officers' and Representatives daily activities inthe Task format in a timely manner. 
  • Closelymonitor Marketing officers and representatives to ensure planned dailyactivities are executed and give all necessary support required toensure successful completion of these tasks.
  • Trainand follow up with agents Mos and MRs to improve Agent, MO, and MRsatisfaction levels.
  • Ensurethat correct Marketing representative fees are calculated and thatcorrect payment details are captured to avoid errors and omissions.
  • Ensurethat Marketing representative contracts are up to date and that expiredones are renewed promptly.


Alignment with the CSOteam

  • Workclosely with the customer support team to ensure Agent issues areresolved on time.
  • Closelymonitor weekly sales to identify Agents that are due for commission andconfirm the amounts with the CSO team and the operation Manager.


A. Minimum level of academic and professionalqualification required to perform effectively in the role: 

  • A bachelor’s degree in any field

·        Minimum level of experience required to performeffectively in the role is 3 years

  • Previous experience as a salesman in a solarcompany is of added advantage
  • Shouldbe a current resident in the West Nile region.


A. Internal customers:  

  • Operation manager
  • Field training officers
  • Customer care team

B. External customers:

  • Marketing officers/representatives
  • Agents


A. Technical 

  • Bulk data analysis skills
  • Good PC management skills


  • Great leadership skills
  • Greattraining capability
  • Greatplanning and organization skills


  • Persuasive nature
  • Good interpersonal skills


Valid Till
31 Oct, 2024 (41 days left)

Brighter Monday Uganda
plot 141 Kira road, Kamwokya, Kampala
  +256 200 412 700
  +256 709 770 811

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