Uganda Land Commission - Kampala
Governing land management and policies in Uganda.
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Uganda Land Commission
Parliament Avenue, P.O.Box 7096, Kampala, Uganda
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Questions & Answers
Is Uganda Land Commission mandated to sign Rent Agreements with Landlords in case of Rented Government Premises? If yes? Please provide the Legal Framework to support this mandate.
My father has a land title but coat has ruled in Mubende that part of his land be encroached on When he makes efforts to meet the judge,he has been denied chance to bring his title for verification and reconsideration of the decision kindly help,things are getting out hand pangas are yet to brought out by relatives.Contact me for more details ********
Towhom is e'kanzu paid and under what procedures
We have a community based organization and we recently bought a plot of land in Ishaka Municipality.The land has no land Title. My question is how can we acquire Land Title for our association?
Someone occupied my kibanja because i was away for some years now he claims ownership what can i do to evict him from my kibanja?
I wish to establish the differences between; Mailo Land, Freehold Land and Leasehold Land.
Whow much money do I pay to check on the authenticity of my title deed , where do I go and how much can it take. Is there a way I can check it on line.
I have a land with squarters on it and intend to develop it or get my compesation and take it elsewhere. How first do i get my payment, if all the steps are done?
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