Leading media and communication solutions provider.
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Company name
Plot 18,Martrys Lane Ntinda - Kampala, Uganda
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Working hours
- Monday: 8AM to 5PM
- Tuesday: 8AM to 5PM
- Wednesday: 8AM to 5PM
- Thursday: 8AM to 5PM
- Friday: 8AM to 5PM
- Saturday: 9AM to 1PM
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
JP SsemyaloEstablishment year
6-10Registration code
124946VAT registration
1000709696E-mail address
Company description
Voice of the Nile is a radio station that broadcasts on 106.1FM and covers the whole of the West Nile and Northern regions of Uganda, parts of Central and Eastern Equatorial of South Sudan and parts of Eastern Congo.
The Radio is programmed both as a community and commercial radio station addressing issues such as, enterprise, development, education and poverty alleviation, entertainment, among others.
We strongly believe that information and connections of mobility are the foundations to a stronger and productive society. The cherry picking as a means of survival is a human right but can only be gained by accessibility of services and goods, human interactions as well as information.
Voice of the Nile in collaboration with other partners developed a different approach to support scale
Information and communication have a particular appeal to people and thus may present a special opportunity to affect norms. Together, communication and social marketing campaigns are some of the most popular means for engaging society in primary development and self reliant access to development. “Building a world desired”
Evidence shows that these mediums can produce positive change in the attitudes of self imposed poverty. We broadcast in various programs in these languages, English,Swahili,Madi,Aringa,Gimara,Lugabar,kakwa,kinubi .
The Radio is programmed both as a community and commercial radio station addressing issues such as, enterprise, development, education and poverty alleviation, entertainment, among others.
We strongly believe that information and connections of mobility are the foundations to a stronger and productive society. The cherry picking as a means of survival is a human right but can only be gained by accessibility of services and goods, human interactions as well as information.
Voice of the Nile in collaboration with other partners developed a different approach to support scale
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up campaigns and rational mobility accessibility using mass media campaigns, use of radio, television billboards, and branded products to reach a wide segment of a community. Informationis a very useful strategy that entails the “process of purposeful designing and implementing a media message, in order to increase audience members’ knowledge, creating favorable attitudes, shift social norms, and change overt behaviors”Information and communication have a particular appeal to people and thus may present a special opportunity to affect norms. Together, communication and social marketing campaigns are some of the most popular means for engaging society in primary development and self reliant access to development. “Building a world desired”
Evidence shows that these mediums can produce positive change in the attitudes of self imposed poverty. We broadcast in various programs in these languages, English,Swahili,Madi,Aringa,Gimara,Lugabar,kakwa,kinubi .
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