Daffodils Kindergarten and Daycare - Kampala, Uganda
Nurturing young minds in a caring environment.
Daffodils Kindergarten and Daycare
1 Review
Daffodils Kindergarten and DaycarePlot 4B -Dar es Salaam0414 530 154https://www.yellow.ug/img/ug/m/_1541945402-27-daffodils-kindergarten-and-daycare.png
- Verified
School name
Daffodils Kindergarten and Daycare
Plot 4B -Dar es Salaam, Kampala, Uganda
Contact number
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 7:45 am - 4:00 pm
- Tuesday: 7:45 am - 4:00 pm
- Wednesday: 7:45 am - 4:00 pm
- Thursday: 7:45 am - 4:00 pm
- Friday: 7:45 am - 4:00 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
1999E-mail address
Company description
Daffodils Education Services, LTD was founded in September 1999. Since then, the Daffodils family has grown to have 3 kindergarten branches around Kampala, and a primary school in Kololo.
Daffodils takes pride in its child-centred, hands-on approach that is carefully inculcated in its teaching methodology, because we believe children learn best by doing.
The schools follow the Ugandan National Curriculum that has been woven with international resources to give your child the best of both worlds. At Daffodils, we strive to provide your child with a holistic experience so that you can rest assured that your child has a strong foundation enabling them attain the highest level of success.
Daffodils takes pride in its child-centred, hands-on approach that is carefully inculcated in its teaching methodology, because we believe children learn best by doing.
The schools follow the Ugandan National Curriculum that has been woven with international resources to give your child the best of both worlds. At Daffodils, we strive to provide your child with a holistic experience so that you can rest assured that your child has a strong foundation enabling them attain the highest level of success.
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Listed in categories
Daffodils Kindergarten and DaycarePlot 4B -Dar es Salaam0414 530 154https://www.yellow.ug/img/ug/m/_1541945402-27-daffodils-kindergarten-and-daycare.png
Lost and found property of your staff member
Your staff member in the names of MBABAZI LOY Lost her wallet and let her call me on ********
Questions & Answers
What is your fees structure for pre-primary.Are you admitting baby class kids now(there fees structure too) Do you have any transportation means around kampala?
Need help. One of your staff member in the names of MBABAZI LOY lost her wallet and it had all his personal documents. Please contact her to call me on my number ********
When is your pre-primary entry? at what age do you register pre-primary students? how is the pre-primary fees structure like? what are the activities (curriculum) for the baby class to top class students? what time do baby classes start and end?
What is your fees structure like??
When is your pre-primary entry? at what age do you register pre-primary students? how is the pre-primary fees structure like? what are the activities (curriculum) for the baby class to top class students? what time do baby classes start and end?
When is your pre-primary entry? at what age do you register pre-primary students? how is the pre-primary fees structure like? what are the activities (curriculum) for the baby class to top class students? what time do baby classes start and end?
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