0.00 Reviews
Company name
Kotido municipality,Moroto Road, Uganda
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 6:00am - 10:00pm
- Tuesday: 6:00am-10:00pm
- Wednesday: 6:00am-10:00pm
- Thursday: 6:00am-10:00pm
- Friday: 6:00am-10:00pm
- Saturday: 6:00am-10:00pm
- Sunday: 6:00am-10:00pm
Company manager
Joe WachaEstablishment year
16-25E-mail address
Company description
Etoil A Karamoja FM 92.7 is a community-oriented radio station serving the Karamoja region. The station is owned by Kotido Catholic Diocese and managed under a registered company called Etoil A Karamoja Limited. It broadcasts from Kotido Town and the signal covers approximately a 180km radius stretching into Karamoja region and other neighboring regions of Turkana, Teso, Acholi and Lango.
Target audience
The radio targets the Karimojong community as its primary audience with programs broadcasted in mostly the local Ngakarimojong language. The radio also seeks to connect the local communities, local government, central government, policy makers, development partners and all actors involved in peace, security and development by strengthening the connection and spreading valuable
According to the Ipsos National Audience Measurement Survey, 2022, Etoil A Karamoja radio has an audience of 774,048. Out of these, 52.8 are females while 47.2 are males. The survey says the audience is spread between the age groups of 15 to 17 years (0.1%), 18 to 24 years (28.9%), 25 to 34 years (30.3%), 35 to 44 years (24.7%) and 19.9% of the listenership being the category of people 45 years and above. The survey further shows that 46% of our listeners are semi and unskilled manual laborers while 28% are skilled workers. Only 19% are in the supervisory, clerical and junior managerial category while only 6% are in managerial, administrative or professional employment.
Target audience
The radio targets the Karimojong community as its primary audience with programs broadcasted in mostly the local Ngakarimojong language. The radio also seeks to connect the local communities, local government, central government, policy makers, development partners and all actors involved in peace, security and development by strengthening the connection and spreading valuable
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information and knowledge.According to the Ipsos National Audience Measurement Survey, 2022, Etoil A Karamoja radio has an audience of 774,048. Out of these, 52.8 are females while 47.2 are males. The survey says the audience is spread between the age groups of 15 to 17 years (0.1%), 18 to 24 years (28.9%), 25 to 34 years (30.3%), 35 to 44 years (24.7%) and 19.9% of the listenership being the category of people 45 years and above. The survey further shows that 46% of our listeners are semi and unskilled manual laborers while 28% are skilled workers. Only 19% are in the supervisory, clerical and junior managerial category while only 6% are in managerial, administrative or professional employment.
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