City Ambulance - Kampala, Uganda
Reliable emergency medical services in Kampala.
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Company name
City Ambulance
Plot 12, Acacia Avenue, Kololo – Kampala, Uganda
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 24 hours
- Tuesday: 24 hours
- Wednesday: 24 hours
- Thursday: 24 hours
- Friday: 24 hours
- Saturday: 24 hours
- Sunday: 24 hours
E-mail address
Company description
City Ambulance responds to any medical emergency with well-equipped ambulances and highly trained personnel in the shortest time possible to save life. Our target response time is 15 minutes.
Our ambulances operate 24/7, hence capable of responding to emergencies both day and night.
All the ambulance vehicles are equipped to the highest international standards for rescue services with self-loading, scoop and basket stretchers, vacuum mattress, splints and collars, wheel chair, two oxygen cylinders, multi-parameter patient monitor, infusion pump, suction machine, nebulizer, defibrillator, automatic portable ventilator, emergency drugs and supplies.
On-site, we resuscitate and stabilize the patient before safe transportation to the nearest appropriate health facility. In the meantime,
Ambulance vehicle tracking systems include;
Satellite phones
GPS tracking
Voice listen-in tracking
Our ambulances operate 24/7, hence capable of responding to emergencies both day and night.
All the ambulance vehicles are equipped to the highest international standards for rescue services with self-loading, scoop and basket stretchers, vacuum mattress, splints and collars, wheel chair, two oxygen cylinders, multi-parameter patient monitor, infusion pump, suction machine, nebulizer, defibrillator, automatic portable ventilator, emergency drugs and supplies.
On-site, we resuscitate and stabilize the patient before safe transportation to the nearest appropriate health facility. In the meantime,
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our emergency medical dispatcher at the call center liaises with the receiving facility to ensure prompt intervention.Ambulance vehicle tracking systems include;
Satellite phones
GPS tracking
Voice listen-in tracking
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