Africa Ajai Foundation Ltd - Arua, Uganda
Africa Ajai Foundation Ltd
3 Reviews
Africa Ajai Foundation LtdOluko - Ayivu256772829773
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Listing - +5Years
With Us
School name
Africa Ajai Foundation Ltd
Oluko - Ayivu, Arua, Uganda
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Saturday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Akasa Establishment year
11-15Registration code
80020002173111E-mail address
Company description
Africa Ajai Foundation (AAF) is a non-profit organization that brings life-changing care to orphaned, vulnerable children, empower women and the youth with skills and educating the girl child.
Three main objectives underpin the work of Africa Ajai Foundation: The eradication of gender-based violence (GBV), alleviation of poverty, and engagement in migration and development. It is actually striking to see that the current global landscape is at one of the distressing levels of gender inequality. Globally, indeed, one in three women experiences gender-based violence, and beyond fearing for their physical safety, women must also shoulder most of the burden of financial hardships. The UNDP has found that women own only one percent of the world’s wealth. In addition to this, three out of
Five strategic goals will support the expansion and the sustainability of AAF for the next five years:
1) Organizational development- improve communication and profile AAF work through social media, increase staff and volunteer capacity, secure funding and ensure sustainability.
2) Set up training centers- AAF plans to set up skilling centers for women to teach hands on skills like tailoring in Oluko, hair dressing, design, catering and building and construction for the youth, this will be done through the creation of Action Technical Institute.
3) Improve Child Education- improve education of the children through setting up Action Nursery and Primary school, Action High School and subsequently Action University to eradicate illiteracy in the area.
4) Raising awareness- Address GBV, poverty alleviation, migration and development issues, as well as support those who are affected by these issues to find a voice at local, national, and global stage. It is also AAF goal to raise the profile of the organization by becoming a critical agent in global development issues.
5) Community Development- Through partnership, work with and provide support to projects designed by local communities to combat GBV, improve livelihoods, mobilize grassroots women within the community and facilitate them with capacity building, skills development and other strategies in order to address issues affecting them.
Three main objectives underpin the work of Africa Ajai Foundation: The eradication of gender-based violence (GBV), alleviation of poverty, and engagement in migration and development. It is actually striking to see that the current global landscape is at one of the distressing levels of gender inequality. Globally, indeed, one in three women experiences gender-based violence, and beyond fearing for their physical safety, women must also shoulder most of the burden of financial hardships. The UNDP has found that women own only one percent of the world’s wealth. In addition to this, three out of
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four women worldwide do not have access to loans, due to the precarious nature of their economic situations. This means that there is very little opportunity for women to escape cycles of poverty. These issues add a gendered component to the reasons why women migrate. Unfortunately, migration often creates other problems for women, leaving them vulnerable to physical, economic, and social uncertainty. It is against this backdrop that AAF began its work to establish gender equality and justice in the society.Five strategic goals will support the expansion and the sustainability of AAF for the next five years:
1) Organizational development- improve communication and profile AAF work through social media, increase staff and volunteer capacity, secure funding and ensure sustainability.
2) Set up training centers- AAF plans to set up skilling centers for women to teach hands on skills like tailoring in Oluko, hair dressing, design, catering and building and construction for the youth, this will be done through the creation of Action Technical Institute.
3) Improve Child Education- improve education of the children through setting up Action Nursery and Primary school, Action High School and subsequently Action University to eradicate illiteracy in the area.
4) Raising awareness- Address GBV, poverty alleviation, migration and development issues, as well as support those who are affected by these issues to find a voice at local, national, and global stage. It is also AAF goal to raise the profile of the organization by becoming a critical agent in global development issues.
5) Community Development- Through partnership, work with and provide support to projects designed by local communities to combat GBV, improve livelihoods, mobilize grassroots women within the community and facilitate them with capacity building, skills development and other strategies in order to address issues affecting them.
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Products & Services 3
- Skilling Center - Tailoring Training CenterA technical Training facility to help empower the widows, yo...
- Action High School.School Vision To be the Innovative, Technological and ‘Hand...
- Action High School - AHSAction High School estimates approximately 100 students will...
Employees 5
Amandru Faiza
ICT Manager0779312141
Amina Akasa
Legal Adviser0773044300
Africa Ajai Foundation LtdOluko - Ayivu256772829773
Community support
Good initiative. This place is working with the church in Riki trying to help us in oluko. Setting up a tailoring school for the women in order to empower them is one of the greatest things I have liked with this organisation
Africa Ajai Foundation LtdOluko - Ayivu256772829773
Good job done at Adjuman with relief package to the Muslims. Identifying and supporting those who are vulnerable is such a good way of sharing the care.
Africa Ajai Foundation LtdOluko - Ayivu256772829773
Empowering Women
Training the village women and equipping them with the necessary skill to use sawing machine is very good, Proving them with the machines to start working is very excellent thing to do in Oluko Village in Arua
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