TI WORK STATION LTD. - Kampala, Uganda

Innovative technology solutions for businesses.
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  • +6Years
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Nakungu shopping mall office no. U7 Nateete, Kampala, Uganda
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Company description
Transport industry work station limited.

T I Work Station limited is a group of companies and individuals that have business Interests In the transport industry.

VISION: To have a well-coordinated, consolidated and unified transport industry in Uganda.

MISSION: To intensively mobilize the transport industry for a combined action to enhance quality of services delivered or consumed by the industry.

Aims and objectives.
To engage in all logistical arrangements, procures and deliver a high quality/ effective transport services that shall robust the performance of the industry.
To market goods and services consumed by the industry and have control over the quality of the same to reduce on operation cost reduction.
To mobilize and carry out  
Show more intensive training of the drivers and deliver high quality driving services that would propel the development of the industry.
To organize transport industry invents for purposes of education and sensitization of the stakeholders.
To represent the industry at different fora’s to influence for policies that would support the development of the industry.
To have a one stop center to facilitate easy coordination, information flow and networking within the industry.

TRANSPORT SERVICES: As the result of coming together of companies and individuals engaged in transport to take a combined action towards delivery of transport services, we deliver reliable, effective and high quality transport services in both cargo and human transportation .

DRIVING SERVICES: As the result of intensive training of drivers, well monitored and controlled drivers. We have a force of highly professional drivers focused to drive the transport industry to the nest level. Our drivers undergo rigorous tests to ascertain the ability before deployment and we have been able to do this with a combined action with government agencies before approval. Our drivers rage from those driving pulling vehicles, semi-trailers, buses, tankers, mini buses, graders and small private vehicles.

PURCHASING AND DISTRIBUTION: We do procure for companies in and outside Uganda, our actions have helped our clients to gain from a consolidated bargaining power and transport want is procured in time. This has helped our clients to compete favorably with other companies and withstand the completion as the result of subsidized prices, we hope to represent both domestic in and foreign companies to answer the demands the current business world. Completing the supply chain.

MARKETING AND SALES: the station markets for its clients to make their goods and services reach the consumers and monitor the function and market strength of the same and advise our clients accordingly .we go on to ascertain the quality of the same and we do this to control the sale of substandard products that high ken the cost of transport operation .

POLICY ADVOCACY. The station engages policy advocacy to influence for the better policies that would enhance the general performance of the industry .we do this with our team of legal personnel’s.




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