Relief Ministries International - Jinja, Uganda
Providing humanitarian aid and support services.
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With Us
Company name
Relief Ministries International
Plot 42 main street jinja, Uganda
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
- Saturday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Isaac ByenkyaEstablishment year
11-15E-mail address
Company description
Area/ sector of activities: Promotion of Health care and neutrition, good environment, promotion of agro-forestry, livelihood promotion, HIV/AIDS Prevention, combat trafficking, reproductive health care, youth, women and children development promoting the rights of religious minorities through education and training Mission: To work and help the deprived people for their upliftment and betterment with special emphasis on children, youth and women and to provide them with livelihood opportunities and bring them into the mainstream of society To ensure environmental and related social impacts (direct and indirect) are identified, evaluated and addressed To educate the students about the pollution problem and the harmful effect of pollution To organize civic amenities and sanitary
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facilities on a self-help basis To describe and discuss the common characteristics of environmental issues in the given socio- economic, socio- cultural, political and ecological settings Vision: To Improve the quality of life of vulnerable children and out-of- school youth Ensure environmental and climate change components are factored into project design and execution. Working Area: Reliefe ministries international is located in the eastern of Uganda near the western boarder of Kenya in East Africa Guiding Philosophy: The philosophy and experience of Reliefe ministrie international is based on the reality, that every human being is a unique individual and that we all have a right to good health and basic needs and should access means to a comfortable life in one way or another. CORE VALUES ARE: Equality for all: God made all people equal; our organization is committed to a development process that promotes equality. Rights and dignity for all: Reliefe ministries international believes in and strives to uphold the rights and dignity of all people in the rural and urban communities. Reliefe ministries international believes in God to protect the dignity of everybody to exploit the Earthly goods in accordance with God’s Law and individual order. Institutional partnership in development: Reliefe ministries international welcomes and respects on going International initiatives and national policies to take care and promote the rights of children and youth, women and disadvantaged people fight poverty, ignorance and diseases such as malaria, Immunisable diseases and HIV/AIDS. Our activities will be in unison and Collaboration with other stakeholdersLocation map
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