Rao Community Development Initiative (RACODI) - Lira, Uganda
Empowering communities through sustainable development initiatives.
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Listing - +11Years
With Us
Company name
Rao Community Development Initiative (RACODI)
Plot 76 Station Road, Junior Quarters, Lira Municipality, Uganda
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 0800
- Tuesday: 0800
- Wednesday: 0800
- Thursday: 0800
- Friday: 0800
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Sarah Faith AkulluEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
Rao Community Development Initiative (RACODI) - Uganda is a registered grassroot Community Based, not-for-profit, organization in Amach Sub County of Lira district, Northern Uganda founded by young people. The organisation is registered with Amach Sub County Local Government, Lira NGO Forum, Alebtong District Local Government and Lira District Local Government.
It arose out of the desire to meet the needs of the community that have few or no organisations intervening in addressing issues that face the community today.
Vision: “A Peaceful, Healthy, Educated, Self sustained and Developed Community”
Mission: “Striving for Peace, socio-economic development of the Children, Youth, and Women through: information dissemination, vocational skills development, education, community
1. Education
This is a cross-cutting activity in all the programmes of RACODI. It is an integrated activity. RACODI wishes to support orphans and vulnerable children in provision of scholastic materials, school fees and basic materials. There is a relatively bigger number of needy children but are challenged in terms of funding considering the level of poverty resulting from the 20-year war.
2. Livelihoods Support
Provision of sustainable and profitable means of livelihoods, training of Income Generating Activities and financial management, support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs’), youth and women to attain vocational skills and provision of basic start up tool kits to beneficiaries War affected children in the community.
3. Peace Building
Training of Parents Groups and Youth Groups on peace building and conflict resolution, facilitation of community reconciliation and peace meetings, community and religious dialogues and consensus building on traditional justice systems, interactive games and sports among children and youth, development and implementation of peace, action plans, and dissemination of Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials to provide acceptance and reintegration.
4. Health
This involves HIV/AIDS awareness creation, Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health, and aspects of mental health (drug and substance abuse).
5. Child protection
Formation and training of child protection committees, community dialogue meetings, and support to community led initiatives on child protection, translation of key legal and policy documents into local languages, data collection on violation of children’s rights and supporting formal education for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Northern Uganda
6. Environmental Protection and conservation
Training of Youth Groups, formation of Environment Clubs in schools, established a tree nursery which acts as a demonstration site and supplies tree seedlings to the community. RACODI plans to open a tree demonstration gardens in schools which will be used as a learning centre for tree growers, students and environmentalists.
We feel there is need for an immediate response to this programme.
It arose out of the desire to meet the needs of the community that have few or no organisations intervening in addressing issues that face the community today.
Vision: “A Peaceful, Healthy, Educated, Self sustained and Developed Community”
Mission: “Striving for Peace, socio-economic development of the Children, Youth, and Women through: information dissemination, vocational skills development, education, community
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outreaches, moral and psychosocial support, referrals and linking for appropriate services/support”1. Education
This is a cross-cutting activity in all the programmes of RACODI. It is an integrated activity. RACODI wishes to support orphans and vulnerable children in provision of scholastic materials, school fees and basic materials. There is a relatively bigger number of needy children but are challenged in terms of funding considering the level of poverty resulting from the 20-year war.
2. Livelihoods Support
Provision of sustainable and profitable means of livelihoods, training of Income Generating Activities and financial management, support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs’), youth and women to attain vocational skills and provision of basic start up tool kits to beneficiaries War affected children in the community.
3. Peace Building
Training of Parents Groups and Youth Groups on peace building and conflict resolution, facilitation of community reconciliation and peace meetings, community and religious dialogues and consensus building on traditional justice systems, interactive games and sports among children and youth, development and implementation of peace, action plans, and dissemination of Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials to provide acceptance and reintegration.
4. Health
This involves HIV/AIDS awareness creation, Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health, and aspects of mental health (drug and substance abuse).
5. Child protection
Formation and training of child protection committees, community dialogue meetings, and support to community led initiatives on child protection, translation of key legal and policy documents into local languages, data collection on violation of children’s rights and supporting formal education for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Northern Uganda
6. Environmental Protection and conservation
Training of Youth Groups, formation of Environment Clubs in schools, established a tree nursery which acts as a demonstration site and supplies tree seedlings to the community. RACODI plans to open a tree demonstration gardens in schools which will be used as a learning centre for tree growers, students and environmentalists.
We feel there is need for an immediate response to this programme.
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Employees 2
Otim Bonniface Olal
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