BERDOS AFRICA (U) LTD - Kampala, Uganda
Innovative solutions in construction and engineering.
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Listing - +12Years
With Us
Company name
P O Box 31233, Kampala, Uganda
Contact number
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Company manager
T. Mohammed YusufEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
The company is created to fill the gap in film production, engage in media consultancies and promote the livelihood of communities in Uganda, South Sudan, D R Congo, and Africa at large.
We are also meant to engage in activities that help promote and protect African culture and heritage. This is by documentation and encouragement of activities that promote knowledge building, discoveries and cultural exchange among the people of Africa.
We also engage event management by providing facilities and all necessary services to befit and ensure the success of the organized event. This shall include sourcing of required technical facilitators and equipments, effective venues, and provision of video conferencing services.
We are also meant to engage in activities that help promote and protect African culture and heritage. This is by documentation and encouragement of activities that promote knowledge building, discoveries and cultural exchange among the people of Africa.
We also engage event management by providing facilities and all necessary services to befit and ensure the success of the organized event. This shall include sourcing of required technical facilitators and equipments, effective venues, and provision of video conferencing services.
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Questions & Answers
Do you happen to fund movie scripts of african content by any means
Yes we do Mr Katamba, but at the moment we've been short of funds to do so. We'll announce later this year, when we begin to fully operate.
Thank you for your interest in this field of work.
Thank you for your interest in this field of work.
Verified Business
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