MOTV Africa Limited - Kampala, Uganda
Innovative solutions for digital entertainment distribution.
MOTV Africa Limited
1 Review
MOTV Africa LimitedPlot 5 Katego Road, P.O Box 33469, Uganda(+256) 414 595141 / (+256) 778 739490
MOTV Africa LimitedPlot 5 Katego Road, P.O Box 33469, Uganda(+256) 414 595141 / (+256) 778 739490
This is to express my disappointment in Mo TV I have been subscribing to your service for about 4 yrs now instead of improving your services get worse by the day.
When Peter was still working with you he would at least work on clients problems at whatevetime.I Have been complaining since monday i have called the following nos 0414-******** 0758-******** 0778-******** 0702-********& ******** and i have been told we a sending someone or lets get back to you and none of all of these people have gotten back to me or sent me a month the screen will show you when credit expires the other month it does,nt show , my remote got spoiled i gave it to one ELVIS its now 6months no response they tell you to change the decorder how many times i we going to change our decorders ?
You have our emails our phone nos why cant we be given updates . This is a service we subscribe to too and we therefore expect a good service. this is the21st century for Gods sake.
When Peter was still working with you he would at least work on clients problems at whatevetime.I Have been complaining since monday i have called the following nos 0414-******** 0758-******** 0778-******** 0702-********& ******** and i have been told we a sending someone or lets get back to you and none of all of these people have gotten back to me or sent me a month the screen will show you when credit expires the other month it does,nt show , my remote got spoiled i gave it to one ELVIS its now 6months no response they tell you to change the decorder how many times i we going to change our decorders ?
You have our emails our phone nos why cant we be given updates . This is a service we subscribe to too and we therefore expect a good service. this is the21st century for Gods sake.
Questions & Answers
Whenever I go to settings then I go to search channels it brings me insert pin yet I don't know it what could be the cause
Am having MO tv decorder without decorder card;is it possible to buy only MO tv card for only local channels and its for how much?
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