Office of the Inspector General of Government (IGG) - Kampala, Uganda

Ensuring accountability and integrity in governance.
Office of the Inspector General of Government (IGG)
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Office of the Inspector General of Government (IGG)
Jubilee Insurance Centre, Plot 14, Parliament Avenue, P.O. Box 1682, Kampala, Uganda
+256 414 344 810
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Company description
The Inspectorate of Government was initially established by the Inspector General of Government (IGG) statute in 1988. However, with the promulgation of the Uganda Constitution in 1995, the Inspectorate of Government is now entrenched therein under chapter 13, which prescribes its mandate, functions and powers and other relevant matters.

The Inspectorate of Government is an independent institution charged with the responsibility of eliminating corruption, abuse of authority and of public office. The powers as enshrined in the Constitution and IG Act include to; investigate or cause investigation, arrest or cause arrest, prosecute or cause prosecution, make orders and give directions during investigations; access and search – enter and inspect premises or property or search a person or bank account or safe deposit box among others.


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Questions & Answers

I would like the contact of the IGG regional office in tororo
To which office or personnel should i report fraud in an institution so as to have an investigation undertaken
How can I fill in the form for declaration of assets?
Some years ago, Govt returned land used by prisons in Kigo to Buganda Govt. I understang Govt bought land from or using a land vendor to construct prisons & mayb other structures nearby.I understand the land valuers connived with the vendor/seller & govt officials involved to exhorbitantly overvalue the land to include hefty kickbacks. There seems to be some truth as some people involved seem to have acquired properties far beyond legitimate income. Would the IGG be interested to investigate
Where can i report a company that has refused to give me my passport, they asking me to pay alot of money which is unfair to me
How can i report a case of mismanagement of a government school were the headteacher has embezzled over 600 millions while the school is collapsing?

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