How much percentage will I get on 100 bags and how much per bag?
Is there any possibility of getting a free transport if I buy?
Questions & Answers for Tororo Cement - Kampala, Uganda
Here you will find questions & answers for Tororo Cement. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellow Uganda users.
I bought 20 bags of cement and it's past 3 months and am being informed that the bags are getting solidified, so can such bags be good for construction?
Hello my parents have put up a a structure the plan is to build three flows but due to the economy only the first flow is finished in Kitezi. We want to make it a hard ware store because the market is available but we don't have start up capital, so I really want some advice on this or any provision we are willing to take it.
What are the prerequisites for becoming a supplier?
How possible is it for someone to purchase at wholesale company price?
How possible is it for someone to purchase at wholesale company price?
What are the requirements to become supplier?
What's the factory price of cement
What are the Requirements of becoming a cement supplier
Hello what's the cause of the high price of cement?when do we expect it to lower and if I need about 500 bags how much would it be?
How much is a bag of cement factory price?
How much per bag ?
How much percentage will I get on 100 bags and how much per bag?
Is there any possibility of getting a free transport if I buy?
Is there any possibility of getting a free transport if I buy?
Will i recieve free transport for 100 bags 0f Cement and whats the cost per bag?
I want to buy 500 bags of cement for building my house. I'm therefore need to know the price per bag or per ton. Also, I'm interesting in other building materials such as steel bars, Iron sheets, titles etc. please reply me at your earliest!