Army Children School - Mbuya - Uganda

1 Review
School name
Army Children School - Mbuya
Nakawa, Nakawa, Uganda
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Army Children School - Mbuya is a Primary School in Uganda.The School is a Government Sponsored School. The School is found inKampala District and in Nakawa Sub-County.


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5 years highlight at Mbuya army children's school Mbuya
Army children's school Mbuya commonly known by natives as 'Mbuya Army', was a government owned primary school in Nakawa division within Mbuya fourth division army barracks just after the division's army prison and the New Fort Bell road; 5oo meters for the railway crossings adjacent to Makerere University business school and neighboring Kiswa primary school. Approximately 65 percent of teachers were serving UPDF soldiers. Mrs Turyamurebba was the headmistress by the time of its transfer in 2009 she was from from Kanungu the then Ntungamo district. I remember my favs moments conducting reading lessons in primary 3 when teacher Nalukwago our formerly English teacher would go breastfeeding. My friends Okello ceaser, Kidde,coscrates, athieono, Nakato, Ayaa,Ebong, Adeibo Timothy, Atimango, Biira, Asio and Olet moses and lastly Nakiito all primary seven class of 2006.
With vast students being from within the barracks, it felt more less like another Kwanjkwanzi, was a wonderful experience overall.
Struggle for Life.

Questions & Answers

I have a child I would wish to register in this school, his performance has not been pleasant over the years and I have been looking for army school where there is maximum discipline to bring up children. Is it possible I can register him for the nextacademic year? What would be the process of registering a child in the school?

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