Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers - Kampala
Promoting professionalism in engineering excellence.
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Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers
P.O.Box 1308 Gloucester Ave, Kampala, Uganda
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Company description
Objectives of UIPE
To hold meetings of the Institution for reading and discussing communications bearing upon engineering or the application thereof, or upon subjects relating thereto.
To co-operate with Universities, other educational institutions and public educational authorities for the furtherance of education and training in engineering science and practice.
To initiate research programmes and to co-operate with Government, private research Institutions and private individuals in promoting research into engineering science and technology.
To print, publish, sell, lend or distribute the proceedings or reports of the Institution or any papers, communications, works or treaties on engineering or its application or subjects connected therewith.
To do all other things, which the
To do all other things incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
To be the leading professional organisation in the region advocating for the best standards of engineering practice
for sustainable development and the betterment of mankind.
The mission of UIPE is to promote higher engineering standards and the development and integration of engineering science and practiceinto public policy in Uganda.
To hold meetings of the Institution for reading and discussing communications bearing upon engineering or the application thereof, or upon subjects relating thereto.
To co-operate with Universities, other educational institutions and public educational authorities for the furtherance of education and training in engineering science and practice.
To initiate research programmes and to co-operate with Government, private research Institutions and private individuals in promoting research into engineering science and technology.
To print, publish, sell, lend or distribute the proceedings or reports of the Institution or any papers, communications, works or treaties on engineering or its application or subjects connected therewith.
To do all other things, which the
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Council of the Institution may think proper, including advising Government, Public Bodies and other organisations or individuals on matters concerning engineering.To do all other things incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
To be the leading professional organisation in the region advocating for the best standards of engineering practice
for sustainable development and the betterment of mankind.
The mission of UIPE is to promote higher engineering standards and the development and integration of engineering science and practiceinto public policy in Uganda.
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