Review of Bumeru Primary School

Bumerua p/s is a gov't school found in Namayingo,mutumba subcounty,bumeru B village.
The school has 6 gov't trs,this include;
1.matta tibby m.-HM
2.wesonga james asst.HM
3.bwire andrew khain and othes.
The trs quaters was set up in 2003 and 4 blocks and included the office plus 2 latrine blocks.
In 2012 the school managed to get first grade ever since it started right from 1988.
The first grade was got under the headship of mr Oundo saffi wilson.The child who it was in the names of Wafula Ronald who managed to get 12 aggregates.
The school employed some 6 community teachers this year(2014) due to incompability of the gov't.This was done under the community efforts together with the administration of the school.
The school recieved a new headteacher this year;this mr matta tibby mohamedy who was serving in banda subcounty.

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