Masaka Media Center - Uganda
Multimedia platform promoting local voices and culture.
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Masaka Media Center
P.O Box 220156 Masaka, Uganda
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00-6:30
- Tuesday: 8:00-6:30
- Wednesday: 8:00-6:30
- Thursday: 8:00-6:30
- Friday: 8:00-6:30
- Saturday: 8:00-6:30
- Sunday: 8:00-6:30
Company manager
Kalibbala MichealEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
Masaka media center is an online marketing Company that was birthed after brilliant young IT graduates from Masaka came up with an idea that seemed far-fetched at first but it was later turned into a reality, with its offices at Tebagalika Estate along Masaka Kijjabwemi road after Masaka high court.
Our mission is to create a strategic, interactive and responsive marketplace for all entrepreneurs by solving their marketing bottlenecks through innovative and user-based solutions.
We provide a marketing platform where everyone will be given a chance to interact with the public/market at a cheap and cost-effective way which will help businesses reach their target clients in just a click that will be automatically selected using an inbuilt algorithm that helps us deliver your content to
With this changing world of technology and research-based marketing being the order of the day, our vision is to simplify online marketing and business through innovation and user-based research.
We strive to eradicate apathy from any business. We work to inspire the spirit, penetrate hearts, and ignite minds with compelling online marketing strategies that produce results.
Our mission is to create a strategic, interactive and responsive marketplace for all entrepreneurs by solving their marketing bottlenecks through innovative and user-based solutions.
We provide a marketing platform where everyone will be given a chance to interact with the public/market at a cheap and cost-effective way which will help businesses reach their target clients in just a click that will be automatically selected using an inbuilt algorithm that helps us deliver your content to
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your target audience.With this changing world of technology and research-based marketing being the order of the day, our vision is to simplify online marketing and business through innovation and user-based research.
We strive to eradicate apathy from any business. We work to inspire the spirit, penetrate hearts, and ignite minds with compelling online marketing strategies that produce results.
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