FRESH MEDIA - Kampala, Uganda

Creative solutions for impactful media storytelling.
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KANJOKYA STREET, kanjokya House, Kampala, Uganda
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Fresh media, events and promotions
May 9 ·
Greetings from Fresh Media and events limited Located on Plot 90 Kanjokya street, Kanjokya House suite 5 4th floor
Iam Called Nimrod a professional I.T specialist, Media production editing and advertsing plus a private investigator
iam here presenting to you and your company a list of services that i provide and you may pick any of your favor
1.Website design and Developement such as E-Comerce websites or systems, simillar to jumia online such as, online
restaurant, online car bonds, online malls, supermarkets, online pharmacy, hrdware etc
2.Coporate and other business forms of websites professionally international standards that are eye cathing
3. website hosting , Apps develeopement
4. Graphics designs and Animations
5. Tv and  
Show more Radio adverts
6. Social media Promotion and marketing services
7.Events videography and photography services
8.Computer Repair, Mantaince , networking, software installations and hardware , Trouble shooting and
system restore points,Firmware replacements , Training
9. Video and photo editing and also we can train interested editors
10.Events Panning and managament
11.Hire services such as professional event ushers, bouncers or escorts, events security , entertianamnet systems
and so much more
12. Private video and aduio invetsigations of cheating Lovers, House maids, untrusted workers, Court Cases,
Phone tracking services, Bank statements, Witchcraft, Night Dancers, Police cases, scenes of crime,
Property Theft, Proofs for innocense, cheating wife or husbands etc. we can do this for anyone especially
those who are abroad and want to knw what thier spouses or family do in thier absence while at work, what they spend
on at home while not around and so much more, we also provide guidance and councilling for an after service .
Incase you are interested in any of the services mentioned above kindly you can whatsapp me on 0787483585
always on 24 hours or u can simply visit me at the office on plot 90, kanjokya street, kanjokya house suite 5
4th floor kamowkya Kampala Uganda
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