Mwanga Arts - Kampala, Uganda

Celebrating traditional craft and modern art.
1 Review
Mwanga Arts
Mwanga Arts
Mwanga Arts
Mwanga Arts
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  • +10Years
    With Us
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Mwanga Arts
luzira, Port Bell, Kampala, Uganda
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Company description
Mwanga William began painting when he was very young growing up in Entebbe, Uganda. He was fortunate enough to have a neighbor who was an artist who specialized in drawing illustrations for books and magazines to help Mwanga develop his love for art. He continued on to university to study Fine Arts at the Michelangelo College of Creative Arts in Kisubi, Uganda, and graduated in 2004 with a diploma.

Many of Mwanga’s paintings reflect African cultural activities and lifestyles, which are centered around his current residence on Lake Victoria - fishing, ceremonial dancing, farming, livestock, and daily life in the village. He also enjoys painting animals found in Eastern Africa in the Great Lakes Region including Uganda’s National Bird, the Crested Crane.

He tries not to emulate  
Show more any one artist in particular and instead chooses to develop his own style that falls into the semi-abstract and realism genres. He prefers painting rough textures using brushes with either oil or acrylic paint. In his sculptures, he favors cement and clay, but also works with metal, paper, wood, and fiberglass. Most of his sculptures currently reside in schools, hotels, and churches throughout all of Uganda, and are mainly of animals, people, and religious themes.

When he’s not painting, he is the Assistant Rowing Coach of the Ugandan National Rowing Team and the Head Rowing Coach of the Ugandan National Para-Rowing Team. He also holds a huge passion for soccer and plays as a striker on a local Ugandan team.
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Listed in categories
AdvertisingSignsArts and CraftsArtistsFine Art and PaintingsWatercolour Artists
promotional art
African painting
African art
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oil painting

Products & Services 3

  • Crested Crane
    Crested Crane
    Acrylic on canvas 119cm x 77cm
  • Tilapia in Lake Victoria
    Tilapia in Lake Victoria
    Acrylic on canvas 76cm x 51cm
  • Ladies from Collecting Firewood
    Ladies from Collecting Firewood
    Acrylic on canvas 91.5cm x 61cm


1 Review
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Thank you Mwanga Arts, for your dedication to the completion of our sculpture.
It is on the compound and being admired by many visitors.

Great job
Thank you john,
It was a pleasure and I appreciate the work.

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