Mayo Clinic - Kampala, Uganda
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Company name
Mayo Clinic
Plot 40 NITCO Building, Bombo Road, 2591, Kampala, Uganda
Contact number
+256 41 250 623
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Questions & Answers
I want to stomach altrasound. Check in alsar its avilable ?
Hey Mayo, the phone contact(s) you provided "isn't correct". So I'm unable to make a call. What should I do?
I have had epididymitis since i was 12 years and had not engaged in any sexual activity. Whenever I got pain a doctor would give me incocid capsules.
Am now 50 years and like once a month my right testacle hurts and has aground nut permanent swelling.
What advice can u provide me?
Am now 50 years and like once a month my right testacle hurts and has aground nut permanent swelling.
What advice can u provide me?
Am having lower pain in abdomen I really don't know if it's some thing serious??
My wife suffers pain in the collar bone,and most doctors say it is nerves that were affected.
Any treatment possible to heal her nerves.
And how much is consultation fees?
Any treatment possible to heal her nerves.
And how much is consultation fees?
I agirl of 3yrs is developing breast ,and pubic hair how do you help me
Hello doctor. how much is a fertility test?
Am also experiencing premature ejaculation and hard to maintain erection, what do you recommend
Am also experiencing premature ejaculation and hard to maintain erection, what do you recommend
Am experiencing premature ejaculation can you help me out
And do the clinic accept UAP old mutaul medical insurance smart card?
And do the clinic accept UAP old mutaul medical insurance smart card?
Hey mayo am a sickler its now one year since I developed osteomyelitis in my left hip pelvic joint can it be cured and how costly is it
How do you get an appointment and how much is consultation fee?
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The accuracy of the company profile for Mayo Clinic is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator.
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