Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary School - Uganda
Quality education and holistic student development.
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary School
6 Reviews
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary SchoolBuyaga, Muhorro774171241https://www.yellow.ug/img/site/default-business2.jpg
School name
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary School
Buyaga, Muhorro, Uganda
Contact number
Company description
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary School is a Secondary School in Uganda.The School is a Private Sponsored School. The School is found inKibaale District and in Muhorro Sub-County.
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Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary SchoolBuyaga, Muhorro774171241https://www.yellow.ug/img/site/default-business2.jpg
As far as I know,the school was build to promote education and each of us we're proud of. I thank you.
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary SchoolBuyaga, Muhorro774171241https://www.yellow.ug/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Bodily satisfaction without spiritual renewal or deliverance isnt enough for any human being. you know what, this school beats the rest because in addition to academics, it gives spiritual packages in terms of shaping students spiritual lives, knowing and worshiping God. The spiritual package augments our quest for success in our lives, just imagine a product of this school! hey all of you out there unless you go through such a school, you can never level with these products. Thank you lord Owobusobozi for saving me. Ohaisanizibwe omujuni waitu ai mukama- Glory be to to you oh lord.
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary SchoolBuyaga, Muhorro774171241https://www.yellow.ug/img/site/default-business2.jpg
I like the fact that the school is juxta the source of Devine powers. in case of anything wrong be it sickness, mental issues or spiritual waves the lord Owobusobozi intervenes instantly. so where else would some one find such?. lucky those who passed through it, those who are going and ofcourse those who will go through it.
Thank you dear Lord Owobusobozi for the Godly work you are doing.
Thank you dear Lord Owobusobozi for the Godly work you are doing.
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary SchoolBuyaga, Muhorro774171241https://www.yellow.ug/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Its really any Beatable school in the entire country .So every body will be able to enjoy though this modern school.omuwereza Agaba frm South Africa
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary SchoolBuyaga, Muhorro774171241https://www.yellow.ug/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Oh mi God this is the best school i ever seen before. So Uganda and the entire world let us work together for a way forward to give a helping hand to the school and the FAITH of UNITY
Or Owobusobozi Bisaka Itambiro Modern Secondary SchoolBuyaga, Muhorro774171241https://www.yellow.ug/img/site/default-business2.jpg
yap its a good school well dehaved student with good morals .From Omuwereza Agaba current in Johannesburg South Africa
Questions & Answers
Is my certificate still at uneb or is at school because ineed to send someone to come and pick it iwill be greatful if my question has been answered thank have agreat morning
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